Most Fun Jobs

TBS Staff Writers
Updated on February 26, 2024

Find a Fun Job that Satisfies Your Needs

For many people, finding a job that’s fun is just as important as pursuing a meaningful career. But what constitutes a fun job? For some people, working as a veterinarian or park ranger brings joy, while others would rather crunch data as statisticians or data scientists. Other things that can make a job fun include great coworkers, a flexible schedule, and in-office perks.

To develop our list of the most fun jobs, we used three core career data points: strong salaries, high job satisfaction, and low stress.

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Fun Jobs Ranking Guidelines

For our 2020 ranking of fun jobs, we gathered a mix of low-stress positions, roles with high satisfaction ratings, and the best jobs overall. After analyzing the data from the sources linked below, we landed on a list of the most fun jobs. Don’t take this too seriously, though; how do you quantify fun, anyway?


Which Jobs Are the Most Fun?

Image Credit: Anchiy | Getty Images

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