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Great jobs and career success depend on securing the right knowledge, skills, and credentials.

Great jobs and career success depend on securing the right knowledge, skills, and credentials.

Through our ranking, degree, and career articles, TheBestSchools.org empowers you to make informed decisions about your education. Through our feature, resource, and The Quad articles, we help you to gain the most out of your educational experience.

For most of us, that means a college or university degree. Nowadays that also means choosing between an online or campus-based education.

Education demands a significant investment of time and money. In finding the best school and degree program for you, we are dedicated to making your education rewarding and fulfilling.


TheBestSchools.org provides in-depth rankings of degree programs and colleges and universities such as our recent best business programs in the world. We do this across many different schools and programs so you can find the course of study that is right for you. At TheBestSchools.org, we are very deliberate in our rankings, balancing academic excellence, return on investment, and indirect or secondary benefits in evaluating schools or programs.

Learn about our approach to ranking educational programs.

Ranking Methodology: How We Rank Schools
Associate Degree

Associate Degree

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    100+ Program Options

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    Hundreds of Colleges

Bachelor's Degree

Bachelor's Degree

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    200+ Program Options

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    1000+ Colleges

Master's Degree

Master's Degree

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    100+ Program Options

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    Hundreds of Colleges

School Rankings

School Rankings

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    400+ Total Program Options

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    2000+ Colleges