The Ultimate Test Prep Source

TBS Staff Writers
Updated on March 6, 2025

Whether you have to take a college or graduate school entrance test — ACT, SAT, GRE, GMAT, or LSAT — we know that only a rare breed of people look forward to any test. But the fact of the matter is, whether college or graduate school, higher education institutions often require these tests for admission. Furthermore, some demand a high test score if you want to get their attention. Some available programs offer MBAs with no GMAT.

Our best advice is that you study for the test. Be prepared for what you’ll be tested on, learn your strengths and weaknesses, become comfortable with the general aspects of the test and the time allotted for each section. There’s likely nothing that has prepared you for the actual test taking part of the test, despite having learned the material you need to know — that’s an important distinction!

To help you succeed, we’ve consulted with test tutors to create recommendations that match which test you need to prepare for, and how you prefer learning.

ACT Prep Resources & Services

SAT Prep Resources & Services

GRE Prep Resources & Services

GMAT Prep Resources & Services

LSAT Prep Resources & Services

No matter which college or grad school admissions test you take, one of these test prep services or resources should help you. And best of luck on your test!

Author: Beth Rich
Beth Rich, Content SpecialistBeth cofounded and formerly served as an educator and executive director for Opus in Louisville, Kentucky, a nonprofit organization aimed at preparing high school students for a successful college career through a comprehensive ACT course. She has more than five years of experience in education, teaching and developing curriculum for public schools and nonprofits in subjects ranging from college test prep to art history to animation to English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL).