Best Colleges by State | TheBestSchools
Discover the Best Colleges Ranked by State
All colleges on this list are the top-ranked schools in their state, making it easier for students to find a quality program near them.
Students who earn degrees from the best state schools qualify for high-paying and in-demand careers. This guide ranks the best college in each state based on our ranking methodology. This information can help individuals evaluate programs, but learners should also keep their own priorities in mind when considering institutions. Needing a specific concentration, for instance, may eliminate higher-ranking schools as options for some learners.
These rankings include public and private institutions with a variety of different degree options, concentrations, delivery methods, costs, and online program availability. Candidates should consider all of these details when looking for good colleges.
Our guide contains everything you need to know about the top colleges in each state, to answer the question: What are the top colleges and universities near me?
Featured Online Colleges
Best Colleges by State
Arizona State University-Tempe
Tempe, AZ
- 4 year
- Campus + Online
- In-State$10,710
- Out-of-state$28,800
- In-State$11,720
- Out-of-state$26,160
- Retention Rate88%
- Acceptance Rate86%
- Students Enrolled53,286
- Institution TypePublic
- Percent Online Enrollment47%
- AccreditationYes
Berea College
Berea, KY
- 4 year
- Campus
- In-State$44,100
- Out-of-state$44,100
- In-StateN/A
- Out-of-stateN/A
- Retention Rate84%
- Acceptance Rate30%
- Students Enrolled1,688
- Institution TypePrivate
- Percent Online EnrollmentN/A
- AccreditationYes
Bismarck State College
Bismarck, ND
- 4 year
- Campus + Online
- In-State$3,320
- Out-of-state$4,980
- In-StateN/A
- Out-of-stateN/A
- Retention RateN/A
- Acceptance RateN/A
- Students Enrolled3,739
- Institution TypePublic
- Percent Online Enrollment54%
- AccreditationYes
Boise State University
Boise, ID
- 4 year
- Campus + Online
- In-State$5,532
- Out-of-state$22,452
- In-State$7,110
- Out-of-state$24,030
- Retention Rate79%
- Acceptance Rate77%
- Students Enrolled26,217
- Institution TypePublic
- Percent Online Enrollment39%
- AccreditationYes
Bowdoin College
Brunswick, ME
- 4 year
- Campus
- In-State$55,822
- Out-of-state$55,822
- In-StateN/A
- Out-of-stateN/A
- Retention Rate98%
- Acceptance Rate9%
- Students Enrolled1,835
- Institution TypePrivate
- Percent Online EnrollmentN/A
- AccreditationYes
Brown University
Providence, RI
- 4 year
- Campus
- In-State$57,112
- Out-of-state$57,112
- In-State$57,112
- Out-of-state$57,112
- Retention Rate98%
- Acceptance Rate7%
- Students Enrolled10,333
- Institution TypePrivate
- Percent Online EnrollmentN/A
- AccreditationYes
Columbia University in the City of New York
New York, NY
- 4 year
- Campus + Online
- In-State$57,763
- Out-of-state$57,763
- In-State$47,600
- Out-of-state$47,600
- Retention Rate99%
- Acceptance Rate5%
- Students Enrolled31,456
- Institution TypePrivate
- Percent Online Enrollment6%
- AccreditationYes
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH
- 4 year
- Campus
- In-State$55,605
- Out-of-state$55,605
- In-State$55,605
- Out-of-state$55,605
- Retention Rate98%
- Acceptance Rate8%
- Students Enrolled6,606
- Institution TypePrivate
- Percent Online Enrollment2%
- AccreditationYes
Duke University
Durham, NC
- 4 year
- Campus + Online
- In-State$55,880
- Out-of-state$55,880
- In-State$55,680
- Out-of-state$55,680
- Retention Rate98%
- Acceptance Rate8%
- Students Enrolled16,686
- Institution TypePrivate
- Percent Online Enrollment6%
- AccreditationYes
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA
- 4 year
- Campus
- In-State$47,730
- Out-of-state$47,730
- In-State$48,008
- Out-of-state$48,008
- Retention Rate97%
- Acceptance Rate5%
- Students Enrolled31,655
- Institution TypePrivate
- Percent Online Enrollment18%
- AccreditationYes
Why Should I Look at Colleges Near Me?
Students who attend local colleges and universities often benefit from lower tuition rates. Many public institutions offer tuition discounts for in-state students, and local students also save money on the travel costs compared to out-of-state students.
Additionally, programs in fields such as education, social work, and healthcare may reflect local standards for licenses and certifications. Therefore, choosing in-state schools means students can earn professional credentials in their local area instead of only being qualified for out-of-state credentials.
Local employers may also recognize in-state institutions more easily than out-of-state options, which can help graduates secure employment.
How to Choose a Program
Individuals should consider programs that offer majors, concentrations, and electives that support their goals and interests. Prospective learners should also consider cost in addition to faculty and department recognition before committing to a program. Other important considerations include course delivery methods, program length, and available financial aid opportunities.
Students should always verify a school’s accreditation status before committing to a program. Accreditation indicates that a school meets high standards with respect to factors like faculty qualifications, student learning outcomes, and academic rigor. Schools may hold national or regional accreditation, with regional accreditation generally considered the more prestigious of the two. Certain programs within a school, such as social work, business, and education programs, may also hold programmatic accreditation.
Accreditation benefits students in several ways. For instance, only students at accredited schools qualify for federal financial aid, and many schools only accept degrees and transfer credits from accredited institutions. Additionally, many professional licenses and certifications require an accredited degree.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why Should I Go to College?
Many high-paying and in-demand careers require a college degree. The Social Security Administration reports an increase in lifetime earnings for each advance in degree level.
Should I Go Away to College or Stay Local?
Local programs may cost less money, but nearby schools often don’t offer programs aligned with a particular student’s needs, goals, and interests. Degree-seekers should consider several factors to find the right school for them, including cost, concentrations and program offerings, and delivery format.
Should I Go To Community College Before College?
Community colleges are typically more affordable than four-year institutions, so students looking to save money on a four-year degree can benefit from earning an associate degree at a community college before transferring to a bachelor’s program.
Is College Worth It?
High-paying and fast-growing careers often require a degree. Degrees from top colleges also build students’ professional skills, which can improve job performance and lead to career advancement.
Why Should I Go To Online College?
Online colleges typically offer more accessibility, flexibility, and affordability than on-campus colleges.